Standard consult - $140 with a rebate of $42.85 paid on the day
Long consult - $180 with a rebate of $82.90 paid on the day
Saturday Skin Check (when available) - $160 with a rebate of $42.85 paid on the day
Urgent 1-Spot Check - $90 with medicare rebates for eligible patients
Full body photography - $200
1 Lesion - $150
LED low level light therapy
Chronic wound management - $50
Wound Therapy - $50 (claimable through Private Health Funds if available)
All other indications - $60
DVA white cards will no longer be accepted through the Skin Cancer Clinic.
Failure to attend booked appointments without notice to the Practice, will incur a $40 Did Not Attend Fee, payable before being able to re-book.